Although there are still good warm summer days, there is no doubt that the year is coming to an end. Then it’s time to get ready to survive the winter, gather energy and supplies for the dark hours, and not least prepare the car so you don’t get any surprises during the winter. There are a lot of people who skip where the fence is lowest, and just drive on as if it were 25° degrees and sunny.
Do you remember the winter of 2009/2010? Was there something you were missing? Maybe a snow shovels in the trunk or a subscription to roadside assistance so you could get out of the ditch? Now is the time to spend time preparing so that the car can arrive safely next spring. I have made a small checklist that you can use when you have to go after the online-marketing-systems.com/cheapest-car-insurance/ car:
Tires: do you have winter tires ready? It is a good idea to change during the month of November. However, there is disagreement about whether it is actually necessary to wear winter tires, taking into account the number of snow and ice days. However, i like the security i feel from being able to stand firm even on snowy roads.
The exterior: give the car a good run, and preferably a polish, so that you fill all the cracks and crevices with wax. This makes salt and dirt worse by being able to stick.
Fluids: check coolant, oil and washer fluid. Fill in a washer fluid that is frost-proof, especially if you don’t drive much and risk driving around with old washer fluid.
Equipment: have a warning triangle, shovel and blankets in the boot – or ready in the tool compartment so that it can be put in the boot at the first snowfall. A safety vest is not required by law, but it might be a good idea to have it anyway. You increase visibility if you have a puncture on a country road or have to change a wheel in the emergency lane on the motorway. A subscription to car assistance can also be a really good idea.
Mentally: it is not enough to have the equipment ready. You must be prepared that it may take longer to arrive, and perhaps leave a little earlier in the morning. After all, there must also be time to scrape the windows free of ice and snow.
Although the above list may look long and unmanageable, it pays well to spend half an hour checking whether you and your car are ready. It can save a lot of annoyance and wasted time during the winter.