Top 5 Safest Places to Visit

 > Uncategorized >  Top 5 Safest Places to Visit

We all want to travel the world but let’s be honest, sometimes it just feels dangerous. I’ll cover the most dangerous places in another post but for now, let’s just stick to finding the safest places to visit so you can go with your family and feel totally comfortable!

All of these countries are ranked by many factors such as,

Crime rate
Political stability
Military stability
And many more.

5: Austria

Austria is slightly more politically unstable than it has been in times past, however this does not make it dangerous. Additionally, their serious crime rate is extraordinarily low so you are extremely unlikely to have anything happen beyond pickpocketing. Be just as aware of any other country for pickpocketing as it is extremely common in tourist destinations in almost every country although it is easily countered if you are prepared.

4: Norway

This one should come as no surprise, the Nordic countries have long been a super safe and progressive area. You are not at serious risk of any crime even pickpocketing here and their serious crime rate is world class. Norway is a great destination for culture and epic experiences and on top of that it is the fourth most safe place on earth, add this one to your itinerary this year!

3: New Zealand

New Zealand will give you and enchanted small town feel while constantly impressing you with the beautiful scenery. Because of it’s small town culture and it’s incredible policies it is one of the safest places on earth. There is little to no political disonance, social unrest, or crime. It truly is one of the happiest places on earth but if you’re not a nature lover there is not going to be quite as much to do as you might expect, just keep that in mind and know your interests.

2: Denmark

No surprise here, as I said before the Nordic countries are all among the safest on earth. This is a place of amazing scenery, cool traditions, and unique food. This is a must have on your travel list and no need to hide your wallet here, the police have it handled here.

1: Iceland

Yet another island nation on this list, Iceland has no terrorism and almost no unrest of any kind. This had led to a extremely high happiness index among its citizens and because of very little access to weapons such as guns, there is nothing to be afraid of here and the citizens will tell you as much! This is one of the most beautiful places on earth and extremely unique, a must go for anyone.

All rankings are based off the current Global Index at the date of publishing.

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